

THIS IS ME...I'm 17 years old i will be turning 18 on February 12,2011 i have a four month old baby her name is Jamila she became everything to me. I love her more than any one in the world. Me and my boyfriend our trying the best to give her everything she need to grow up in a nice family. Well a young family.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Work Hard, Work Smart, Work Together
The best way to work hard, smart and together is to always choose the right it doesn’t matter what you do if you always choose the right things will always go your always no matter what it is. Working hard this means that you will always try your best to do what you have to do to reached a goal or a special that you will come p being the winner in any way. Now if you think about ting before doing them you will have a good future.

Now I know, a refuge never grows
from a chin in the hand and a thoughtful pose
Got to tend the earth if you want a rose.
~Indigo Girls
As long as you always choose the right there will be way you will mess in any way you always have to think working smart means that you most always think about what is the right think to do in there words many people think that they cold do whatever they went but that’s not true.
A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of the others.
~Norman Shidle

In many ways there will always something or someone to stop from doing what you really went to do end up where you want to be to succeed and become the person you went to be no loser went to be the one person who stands out and who every looks up to.
The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to catch it yourself.
~Benjamin Franklin

Always choose the
Right :D